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September 9, 2024 Board Highlights

September 9, 2024 Board Highlights

Superintendent's Report*

  1. Dr. Jason Perez reminded the community about the upcoming Redistricting Community Forum on September 25 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Deer Creek Administration Building. This event will also be live-streamed on our YouTube page. 
  2. Dr. Perez provided the board with comparisons of 2023-2024 state assessments from districts across the metro area. For all tests included in the Oklahoma School Testing Program, including 3rd–8th Grade ELA and Math, 5th Grade Science, and 11th Grade Social Studies and Science, Deer Creek scored first or second in all content areas. All of these scores were at least 25% above the state average. 

*Not Comprehensive

Human Resources Department Presentation

Lenis DeRieux gave an update from Deer Creek Human Resources, presenting on the work done to recruit, retain and engage employees to Deer Creek Schools. Highlights of this presentation include:

  • We currently have no certified positions open.
  • This school year, we added 42 new full time employee positions. 
  • Since 2021, the salaries of those on lower steps have increased by 12%. 
  • Since 2021, the salaries of those on higher steps have increased by 19%. 
  • Our average class sizes are: 
    • Pre-K: 19.7
    • Kindergarten: 19.8
    • First Grade: 19.1
    • Second Grade: 19.7
    • Third Grade: 19.6
    • Fourth Grade: 23.5
    • Fifth Grade: 26
    • Sixth Grade: 25.6

Lenis also recognized the outstanding HR and onboarding team, Kristen Payahsape, Jamie Wilson, Heather Lowry and Dee McDaniel for all they do to make Deer Creek a welcoming place to work, and the principals for working hard to recruit high quality teachers that create the best possible academic experience for our students.

New Hires

The board approved the hiring of all personnel listed on the Personnel Schedule. 

Board Actions

  1. Approved all items on the consent agenda.
  2. Approved the Estimate of Needs for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, and the Financial Statement of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024, as prepared by S & B CPA & Associates, PLLC.
  3. Approved the recommendation to enter into an agreement of service with The Stacy Group, Inc. for architectural services related to future bond issue
  4. Approved the recommendation to enter into an agreement of service with Willowbrook, Inc. for construction management services related to future bond issue
  5. Approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Deer Creek Schools and the Deer Creek Association of Classroom teachers for expanded use of sick leave
    1.  The district will approve the use of accrued sick, personal or vacation leave for the use of caring and bonding time with newborn or newly adopted children for the immediate parent. In addition to the six weeks of maternity leave offered to employees by the State of Oklahoma, employees may use up to three weeks of leave. (Note: The State of Oklahoma requires an individual to be employed for one year before they qualify for paid maternity leave.) 
  6. Approved new board policy** JS - Student Athletes and Activities Name, Image and Likeness
  7. Approved new board policy** IGBI - Strong Readers Act
  8. Approved new board policy** GC - Standards of Performance and Conduct for Teachers
  9. Approved new board policy** GCPD - Termination of Employment for Certified Staff
  10. Approved updates to board policy** IGAI - Prohibition of Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Complaint Process
  11. Approved updates to board policy** JEA - Attendance Policy and Regulations
  12. Approved new board policy** JEB - Release Time Courses

**All new and updated board policies will be posted on the Deer Creek Schools website by the end of the week. 

Meeting Date & Time: September 9, 2024, 6 p.m. 
Location: Deer Creek Administration Building
Board Members in Attendance: Kelli Lay, Stan Green, Christopher Adamson, Mike Kiehn
Next Meeting: October 14, 2024, 6 p.m. 


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