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Oklahoma School Report Cards

The State Department has provided a website that is searchable by school, district address or county. Once a school has been selected, an overview page displays school information, while an additional click yields more contextual information, including school demographics and a breakdown of indicator scores for each federally recognized demographic group and comparisons to the district and state average.

Frequently Asked Questions

School Report Card Overview

Oklahoma school report cards are designed to give families and communities an annual update on various indicators that, in combination, create a snapshot of academic achievement and school improvement. The multiple indicators highlight areas where your child’s school is excelling and has opportunities for improvement.

The new accountability system is designed to reflect multiple facets of school and student performance to recognize successes and identify opportunities for growth. The new report card is a multi-measure model of school performance guided by the principle that all students can grow and all schools can improve.

Below is a description of each report card indicator (click on the name of the indicator for more information from the state department):

Academic Achievement

​​​The Academic Achievement component represents student performance on annual assessments, a majority of points come from attainment of targets rather than proficiency. The Intent is to examine where students are performing in relation to challenging goals that increase over time toward college and career readiness.
Academic Growth
The academic growth component looks closely at the growth that all students are making based on their past performances. At the elementary level, this only includes growth from 3rd to 4th grade, because students in 2nd grade do not take the OSTP. 
English Language Proficiency Assessment Progress
The English Language Proficiency Assessment Progress indicator examines how students are progressing in their language acquisition program. This indicator uses a student’s initial proficiency level to set a timeline to exit. Based on exit timeline, yearly targets are set to ensure the student is on-track for an on-time exit. This indicator uses a student’s WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS assessment, not the OSTP content assessments. The indicator score represents the percentage of students who met their growth target, exited via ELP Band Committee, or were 1st year proficient in 2018.

Chronic Absenteeism
A student is considered chronically absent if he or she misses 10% or more of enrolled instructional days for any reason. This indicator represents the percentage of students at your school site who are not chronically absent. 

Graduation Rate
The graduation indicator is comprised of two components, the four-year graduation rate and a school improvement score. The school improvement score reflects additional graduates who graduated in their fifth year. These additional graduates are added to the four-year rate to yield an overall Graduation Indicator Score. In future years, the school improvement score will also include students graduating in their sixth year. 

Postsecondary Opportunities 
Students engaging in postsecondary opportunities have greater exposure and preparation for college and career. This indicator reflects the percentage of juniors and seniors at your school who participated in at least one approved postsecondary opportunity. 


The overall grade represents your school's grade based on all of indicator grades put together. The overall letter grade is reduced by a minus when there is a participation deduction.