Returning Students
Our Returning Student Online Registration application (OLR) for the 2024-2025 school year is due now! Complete it via your parent portal ASAP!
Only primary guardians living in the student's primary household as listed in Infinite Campus are eligible to complete the online registration process. If you have questions, please visit our Online Registration FAQs or contact your school secretary.
If two guardians live in the primary household, the first one to start the OLR will be the one required to complete it (to avoid duplicate registrations).
Step by Step Instructions for Completing Online Registration:
- Step 1: Login to Infinite Campus (Parent Portal)
- Step 2: Access the "Online Registration" Link
- Step 3: Complete the Online Registration
- Step 4: Wait for Approval/Posted Email
- Step 5: Verify Your Residency (Must be done each July)
Step 1: Login to Infinite Campus (Parent Portal)
Step 2: Access the "Online Registration" Link
Step 3: Complete the Online Registration
Step 4: Wait for Approval/Posted Email
Step 5: Verify Your Residency (Must be done each July)
Required Documentation
- A Copy of Each Guardian's Driver's License
- Updated Custody and/or Court Order
- Updated Proof of Immunization for 24-25 (or a competed exemption form)
- 7th Grade
- TDaP
- Kindergarten
- DTaP (5th)
- Polio (4th)
- MMR (2nd)
- Pre-K 4
- HepA (2nd)
- 7th Grade
In order for your student to be considered as registered for the next school year, you must complete the online registration by MAY 1, 2024.
All required documentation must be uploaded in the OLR before clicking on the "Submit" button or provided to your school secretary before your registration can be approved.