Transportation Rules & Regulations
Any non-student, who is not a school employee, may not enter a school vehicle unless the driver of the vehicle asks them to do so or during a vehicle emergency needing police, fire or ambulance support. Any individual who violates this regulation will be subject to any applicable school board policy without further warnings.
Bus Rider Rules & Expectations
The violation of any of the following rules will place the student into the bus discipline
system immediately.
Students are expected to behave well. Student behavior is expected to be like that in the classroom. Cell phones, cameras, speakers and other electronic devices that may disturb others are not allowed to be used on the bus and may only be used for the same appropriate uses allowed in the classroom.
The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students. The driver and the rules must be obeyed at all times.
No disrespect, defiant conduct, or obscene language or gestures directed toward the driver or others will be tolerated.
A student will sit where he/she is told to sit either permanently or temporarily at the driver's discretion.
Students shall ride only their regularly assigned bus and are not permitted to ride anyone else’s bus to or from school without prior approval from transportation.
When requested by the driver, students must immediately and correctly identify themselves.
Students must arrive at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to designated bus pick-up time and wait in a safe and orderly manner out of the roadway and off private property. Students must not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop and are signaled by the driver to board the bus.
Students must enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner in view of the driver. If they must cross the road, they must do so at least 10 feet in front of the bus, never behind it. The driver will indicate when it is safe to cross.
Students are to remain properly seated (seat to seat: back to back) facing the front of the bus at all times. No standing, no moving from seat to seat, no facing backward, no sitting on your knees, no sitting on your back pack or other personal items.
No student shall at any time extend head, hands, arms, or any body part out of the windows whether the school bus is in motion or standing still.
No student shall throw any object out of a bus window or door.
Students will reimburse the school district for damage to school buses resulting from student misconduct and may be subject to loss of riding privileges and suspension or expulsion from school. A repair fee of up to $100 will be charged for each seat needing repair. A cleaning fee of $75 will be charged if a bus requires cleaning. Students will be suspended from the bus for any seat damage for at least a week and will remain suspended beyond that if the repair fee is not paid.
Students will refrain from excessive noise, shouting, boisterous behavior, fighting, vulgar or obscene language or gestures, racial or sexual harassment and bullying.
Students must not have anything in their possession that might cause injury to another, no weapons of any kind, including but not limited to knives, guns, sharps, fighting gear, etc.
No smoking, chewing, or spitting of tobacco or use of any type of flame or sparking devices including vapor and electronic cigarettes. No illegal substances or alcoholic materials or their paraphernalia are allowed on school buses.
Eating or drinking on a school bus is not permissible: no gum, no candy, no pop, no pastries, or any other types of food or confectionaries. In hot weather, one bottle of water is permitted per student. Students must maintain clean bus interiors by keeping trash off the floor. Students may not throw refuse out of the windows.
Aisles must be kept clear. Personal belongings, books, instruments, projects, etc. must be held on a student's lap. Large items which cannot be held in the student's lap will not be transported on the school bus.
Students will get on and off the bus only at the stop to which they are assigned.
If a student does not ride for five (5) consecutive days, the bus will not return or stop until you notify the Transportation Dispatcher that the student will be riding again.
No wearing gang colors, displaying gang tags, or making gang symbols.
No personal hygiene items such as body spray, cologne, perfume, or items that may affect allergies are allowed to be worn on the bus.
No animals, reptiles, fish, or fowl are permitted on the bus.
No one may sit in the aisle or block an emergency exit from the bus.
Students will share seats as needed/directed. Up to three (3) students may be placed in any standard bus seat. The rearmost seat is usually a partial seat and can hold up to two (2) students.
Do not tamper with or vandalize/destroy the bus or any of its equipment.
Keep absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing stop.
In case of a road emergency, remain seated on the bus unless the driver chooses to evacuate the bus due to safety concerns
Malicious Reporting -- Students or their parents may not make false accusations against other students and/or staff of the District. This includes parents reacting to false statements without verification.
Penalties for Misconduct
The driver of a bus, whether on a regular route or on an extracurricular trip, will report all instances of student misconduct to the Transportation Assistant Director. The
Transportation Assistant Director will notify the appropriate parent and school via the
student information system. All discipline is based on school days not weekends or
The first offense will carry a warning to the student and/or parents/guardians and such other action as deemed appropriate. Elementary students will receive a second warning for minor offenses.
The second offense will result in loss of the privilege of riding the bus for up to
one week. -
The third offense will result in loss of the privilege of riding for up to 30 days.
Any subsequent offense will result in loss of the privilege of riding for up to 90
days each. -
Severe Clause: Students who become involved in a serious disciplinary problem
including, but not limited to: any illegal act, bullying, harassment, intimidation,
assault, fighting, verbal assault, possession/sale/use of alcohol/drugs,
possession of a weapon/object that can harm another person and any action that
includes the safety of the school bus as a first or second offense will have their
riding privileges suspended.
Student Badge Policy
- Students are required to present their badge for scanning every time they load and unload the bus.
- Transportation will always pick up any student at a bus stop even if they do not have their badge.
- Students will be given a warning to bring their badge with them if they board the bus without a badge. They will be transported to and from school on that day. If the student boards the bus for a second day without a badge, they will again be given a warning and reminded that they must have a badge on the third day or bus service will not be provided from the school to their home. Additionally, a notice is sent to the parents via the Ride 360 app and the school will be notified via email and the school will remind the student.
- If a student has been given two consecutive warnings and rides to school on the third day without a badge their parent or guardian will be called to pick them up at school. Bus service will not be provided until the student has purchased a replacement badge.
- Students are not allowed to repeatedly violate the badge system. If a student doesn’t have or refuses to provide their badge for two consecutive days and then has it on the third day over and over, this will result in disciplinary action for not following district policies.
If a student reports that they have lost their badge they must purchase a new badge for $10 from My School Bucks. Please note: All badge purchases are checked at approximately 7:30 a.m. each morning. If you purchased a badge after this time it will not be accounted for until the next day.The Badge is sent to the driver so the student will need to get on the bus and ask the driver for the badge. This process can take from 1-3 days depending on when the badge is paid for, however, once the badge is paid for the student will be allowed to ride the bus again.
- If a student boards the wrong bus in the morning, the driver will inform them as they board the bus that they do not ride this bus and give them correct bus information. If you have given them the correct bus information and they continue to try and ride the bus, that is a discipline issue and will be written up and handled by the Transportation Assistant Director. Students will also not be transported home on the wrong bus. If a student boards the wrong bus at school, they will be given the correct bus to ride and/or sent to the office to have their parents pick them up if they refuse to get on the correct bus or it has departed.
- Some parents require a student to occasionally ride home on another bus. If a student is an extra rider, the driver will be notified by message on their tablet before their afternoon route.
- If a student has been riding the bus and the badge system says they are not a rider the driver will notify transportation so we can verify they are correctly assigned in the computer. If they are not marked as a bus rider, transportation will correct the issue.
- Any violation of these rules will be sufficient reason to discontinue bus transportation privileges to the student involved and may cause suspension or expulsion from school.
- The Transportation Assistant Director will apply/adjudicate all rules, regulations and disciplinary actions. The Transportation Assistant Director has the authority to adjust the disciplinary actions as needed.
- A parent may request a conference with the Transportation Assistant Director to discuss their students’ discipline. Disciplinary actions for students will not be discussed with anyone who is not a parent/guardian or appropriate school staff. Any non-disciplinary audio/video recordings from school cameras will not be shown to parents due to privacy concerns. If your student is disciplined there are very limited exceptions where a parent may view a recording as long as other student privacy is maintained.
- Suspension from bus transportation does not suspend a student from school. Students still have to go to school unless the school Principal has suspended them as well.
- Disciplinary actions assigned to a student may be enforced over school years. For instance, if a student violates the rules on the last day of school, their punishment will continue at the start of the next school year.
- The Transportation Director or Superintendent has the authority to override or alter these rules at their discretion.
Any violation of these rules will be sufficient reason to discontinue bus transportation privileges to the student involved and may cause suspension or expulsion from school.