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Attendance Matters: Here's Why

Attendance Matters: Here's Why

Missing just a day or two of school each month might not seem like a big deal, but the impact quickly adds up. Attendance is a critical factor in a student’s academic success and future opportunities. Here’s why showing up every day matterS: 

The Cost of Missing School

  • 2 Days a Month: If a student misses just two days each month, they will miss 20 days by the end of the year. Over a school year, that’s 30 hours of math and 60 hours of reading and writing lost. By graduation, this adds up to over 1 year of school missed.

  • 4 Days a Month: A student missing four days per month ends up missing 40 days a year. That’s 60 hours of math and 120 hours of reading and writing they’ll fall behind on annually. Over time, this equals missing over 2 years of school by graduation.

The Bigger Picture

Each day of school is crucial for learning. Regular attendance helps students build foundational skills in math, reading, and writing, setting them up for long-term academic and career success. On the flip side, even a few days missed each month can have significant cumulative effects, making it harder for students to stay on track and succeed.

Whether it's two days or four days a month, those absences add up, resulting in missed learning opportunities that can impact a student's entire educational journey. By prioritizing attendance, students stay engaged, keep pace with their peers, and set themselves up for a brighter future.