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July 8, 2024 Board Highlights

July 8, 2024 Board Highlights

Superintendent's Report

Dr. Jason Perez updated the board on the following: 

  • Robert Feinberg, Deer Creek Director of Transportation, was recently named the Oklahoma Transportation Administrator of the Year.
  • The DC45 Music Teachers, Stephanie Palmer and Sydney Pointer, recently received their Level 2 Kodaly Certification through the University of Oklahoma. 
  • Each summer, our Antler Care program features high-caliber field trips, guest speakers and more. So far this summer, our students have experienced unique animal encounters and a trip to local splash pad, and those are just two of the many activities Antler Care organized! We are proud to offer this program that not only gives families childcare of the summer, but also gives students the chance to have fun and make memories with their friends.
  • We had a great representation of Deer Creek at the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration Summer Leadership Conference in June. DCHS Principal Ashley Mackey, Grove Valley Principal Shareen Smith and Assistant Superintendent of Supervision & Instruction Kristy VanDorn, and Dr. Perez all presented in breakout sessions. Chief Financial Officer Dr. Cordell Ehrich was recognized for his participation in the Emerging Leaders Academy. Ashley Mackey was recognized as the Oklahoma Assistant Principal of the Year. 

New Hires

The board approved the hiring of all personnel listed on the Personnel Schedule. 

Board Actions

  1. Approved all items on the consent agenda. 
  2. Approved a quote from Trafera for 200 Chromebooks for $67,800 to be paid out of Bond Funds
  3. Approved updated Board Policy - GBEB - Social Media and Digital Communication
    1. Staff will receive more information about these changes on July 9 and families will receive more information on July 10. 
  4. Approved updated Board Policy JECBA - Admission of Exchange Students
    1. Increased the district's capacity from three exchange students to five, per year 
  5. Approved agreement with Workforce Innovation and Opportunities to serve as a worksite for training services provided to eligible youth and adults
  6. Met in executive session to discuss the appointment of an individual and/or interview candidates for vacant school board seat representing Ward 5 pursuant to Oklahoma Statute 25 O.S. § 307(B)(1) and 70 O.S. § 5-118.
  7. Appointed Christopher Adamson as the representative for the school board seat representing Ward 5
*Not Comprehensive 

Meeting Date & Time: July 8, 2024, 6 p.m. 
Location: Deer Creek Administration Building
Board Members in Attendance: Kelli Lay, James Gibbs, Stan Green and Mike Kiehn
Next Meeting: August 12, 2024, 6 p.m.