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Transportation FAQs

Transportation FAQs

We know some families have questions about their child riding the bus this week. Here are answers to the frequently asked questions we’re receiving: 

To view your child’s information in My Ride K-12, you will need your student’s Deer Creek number, not the state ID number. If you’ve tried a number that doesn’t seem to be working, please double check that you’ve used their Deer Creek student number. 

Additionally, to add your child in My Ride K-12, you will need to list their birthday in this format: MM/DD/YYYY

On the first day of school, your child will get on the bus at their stop (before school) or in the bus loop (after school). If you have a child in grades K-6th, be sure to tell their school that they will be riding the bus so they can be prepared. 

If your student is new to Deer Creek, they will receive their badges from the bus driver when they ride the bus on the first day. If, for some reason, the bus driver does not have your child’s badge, the driver will make a note of it and will get the badge to them as soon as possible. All returning students should bring their badges back from last school year. 

Additional information regarding Deer Creek transportation is available on our website:

A step by step guide to using My Ride K-12 is available here: